Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Quick Update 3/3/10

Hello! Sorry I haven't posted in a while!
So, Here's a Quick Update.
 Yesterday, It snowed about 6 inches and I made a snowman!

That one is Mama's favorite! I can't think of a name for him yet though. He's wearing Daddy's hat and my purple scarf!
  Anyway, I've also discovered Windows Live Messenger, and have talked to my friends, Quinlyn, Iona and Jasmine!
  Some of my Mom's students, Mama, and I have made a new Cross Stitch Circle! It's called
 "The Dorcas Sewing Circle" .

Then, there's my Dolls. I've been in a few contests! On my AGC, by Jasmine, I lost in the 3rd round.
But, I'm in Quinlyn's new one, the Life of Faith Contest! AND! I've won the First round! Here's the pic that won the first round.

I'm so proud of my dolls!
Anyways, Better get on to bed!


Iona Nicole said...

Your Dolls have been awarded at:

(also your comment form thing still says: I hope you have A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!)

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Ima Virginia, Congrats on the wonderful doll photo! The sewing group sounds like a fun time. I enjoy the photos that you take. I love your snowman - you must have some nice, warm gloves to make such a big snowman! Hope you have a great day today.

Iona Nicole said...

Your Have Been Awarded @

(Wow awarded 2 times by, technically the same person!)