Monday, March 8, 2010

Little House on the Prairie

Lately, I've fallen in love with the Little House on the Prairie series.
I've watched serveral episodes of the TV series this past week, and I put up my paper dolls today!
 Now, I'm sure you're all wondering about  the piece of wood in front of the paper dolls .
Well,it's a shingle from the roof of Laura Ingalls Wilder's home in Missouri. Daddy got it when he went there!
They were avaible to purchase for a small price.

Anyhow, Daddy has LOTS of books: about 3 cookbooks, a Songbook, 2 Diary books, a Blue set of all the books and many more!

Here is a up-close picture of the shingle.

Sorry it's blurry, but isn't it neat?
Have a great day and thanks for reading!

ATTENTION! Those of you who have joined my Giveaway, you have until Saturday, March 13 to enter!


Anonymous said...

You and your dad have a very nice collection of "Little House" memorabilia. The shingle is really amazing. Glad you have such pretty weather for Spring break.

Karen said...

I always loved reading Little House books and watching the TV series, too. Thanks for an interesting post. I hope you have a wonderful Easter season.