Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Time Is Here....

Heyers! Merry Christmas!
This weekend, my family and I put up the rest of the Christmas decorations, and I wanted to show them to you! 
 Last week, I put up my new pink tree in my room while listening to a Walton's Christmas CD. (You can see my past post about the Walton's here) It has become my favorite!
 Here's a picture of the tree in my room:

It's pink with a pink tutu! (not shown) Mrs Mildred (a fellow blogger) gave me these ornaments. :)
Thank you, Mrs Mildred!

Here's a picture of our Christmas Wreath! (Sorry about the yellowness. :P)

 My Dollies put up a Christmas Tree! :) From left to right, Violet, Rebecca, Millie, Elsie, and Itty. :)

And the COOLEST THING HAPPENED YESTERDAY. :) It started SNOOOOOWING!!!!! :) Sadly, it didn't stay. :(
Well, when we got home, I made some Christmas cookies with some cutters and mix I got for my birthday. Thank You, Mrs Debbie. :)

Next is my Christmas Village! It  is on top of the piano and it's SO pretty! Thank you again, Mrs Mildred.  The pics I took without flash are REALLY blurry, so I took one with flash so you can see the details.

Here are some other miscellaneous pictures. :)

Outdoor Nativity.

the tree from outside! :)

That is a reflection of the tree in my room. (as you can see)

Thank you SO much for reading this post. :)
and Happy Belated Birthday, Kaylen, and Happy early Birthday, Vellvin! :)
I love you both!
MeRrY ChRiStMaS!
~Ima Virginia